Dance Dance Desolation
If you don’t already hate life, this is guaranteed to push your disgust to it’s utmost threshold. Warning: Not for the easily sickened or those under a court-ordered suicide watch.
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"And after the thousand years, Satan will be released from his prison… and he will come out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth." Revelations 20:7-20:8 |
You would be disgusted by this because it makes you realize your life will never be as awesome as Matt’s life?
JASON YUNGBLUTH HAS REACHED A LEVEL AWESOME THAT OTHERS ASPIRE TO REACH, HEATHEN! Fuck this Matt guy, I hope he dies from watching his grandmother get raped to death.
I hope our dark lord smites you with his massive balls.
Oh, and I am severely disappointed this wasn’t a link to the BME Pain Olympics.
Jesse Sed:
You would be disgusted by this because it makes you realize your life will never be as awesome as Matt’s life?
Anyone who watches this and does not detect in Matt the cold, bleak bitterness of a natural born serial killer is simply living in Munchkinland.
Hopefully the jumping dog in Kuwait gave him a quick and thorough vasectomy before he makes anymore just like him.
Wow, you people are all horrible. Clicked a link on Starslip, read this, never coming back. Cheers!
What are you talking about? This is wonderful! I cried.
Must be like bleach upon your black soul…but that’s cool, we all play our roles.
I’m actually sad it wasn’t a Rick roll.
What a damn waste. 42 countries, cast of thousands… Bah! Is this supposed to be for something, or is he just strictly being dumb? Big deal, he travels the world to rouse people who are easily excited, why doesn’t he get a real job and cure cancer or something? Wouldn’t it have been easier to just light all your money on fire? Less jet lag.
Gosh, you guys are much harsher than even I, and my soul is abrasive enough to scour the chrome off God’s Cadillac! You do realize I was being sorta ironic, right?
We at Nightsquad take a hard stance against all things heartwarming and inspirational.
I like ALL THREE of the “Where the Hell is Matt” clips. The chutzpah of that guy, travelin’ around the world to do his goofy white guy dance.
I think part of it is that it’s billed as this epic event. Getting a company to pay air fare for this was a neat trick I suppose, but I’ve seen corporations throw more money away on even dumber promotional stunts than this, so it’s not that impressive. Again, he didn’t actually *accomplish* anything, or even make a half-assed attempt at some cheesy “we’re all one big family” message. He just told people to film him dancing. I don’t hate it or him, but I think it’s pretty silly to cry over a corporate-sponsored loop of someone shuffling their feet a bit.
Yeah, I didn’t say it was deep, just that I like it. If I could get corporate sponsorship to travel & have people film me doing something upbeat & kinda creative, I’d sell out in a heartbeat. No, half a heartbeat.
It’s goofy and, sadly, in our jaded myopic society, it’s considered reaching out to other cultures.
That clown should work on getting those kids he is dancing with some shoes! Little freak, he reminds me of a cracked out Jared from subway. I wish he would get chased by some wild animal, jump over a crystal meth fence and get hit by a Budweiser truck. Oh and Swash whoever you are, nobody gives a shit if your coming back or not you little ass clown!
Please remove the vitriol infested replies!!!
I’m sure you do a “let people post whatever” but the replies to your sarcasm (which obviously went over the top of these people head at least 50,000 feet) are just not pleasant. I mean it’s downright bad, some people want this person to die? I mean really, it’s way over the top bad.
Rick sed:
Please remove the vitriol infested replies!!! (…) I mean really, it’s way over the top bad.
Better they should vent their angry words here then take to the street and start throwing thesauruses at folk.