Art Attack!
I’m putting my most recent Weapon Brown page up for sale on Etsy. I’ve only done a little Etsying in the past, but I’d like to do more, especially if I can develop an interest among you fans for owning the original Weapon Brown pages.
As you will see from the the page I am offering this week, it contains panels from this week’s and last week’s strips, which will occasionally be the case. Other times, the strip you read will be the entire page.
I am also thinking about offering prints of the lettered pages, should that prove to be something people want. If you Blockheads (see? I’m using it!) want to weigh in on the kind of original art or art products you would like, the floor is open!  And naturally, if there is an existing Weapon Brown page that you want to get your hands on, please e-mail me.
I’d have to go back and peruse all the pages of WB to find those I might be interested in, but what I would like to see is Dirty Blonde finally brought back into stock…..well, you did say original art, and that’s as original as can get!
I would like to get that slutty broad back in print as well. Support my T-shirt drive and maybe some of that filthy lucre can go to a reprint.
Captcha Swamp Thing strategy: Marsh Defense
Next week I was planning on dropping in for 2 of them to match my 2 Chuck shirts, so consider me sold, and I hope it does, though the blowup of the pic I downloaded of it has been sufficient up to now, but I’d rather have the real thing, even if it gets askance looks from some of my (female) co-workers….it sits between the full page prints of Chuck and CAL-v.1N on one wall of my cubicle, and I’d actually need two, one for home as well LOL
captcha worries about the t-shirt drive too: faltering vendors