Talk to the hand
I think that by today, American conservatives must be getting a little camera shy. First Obama eats their lunch on air at the Republican’s Baltimore retreat, and now Sarah Palin, aka “Legally Brunette”, has demonstrated that the right wing’s leading light is a half watt dimmer than an LED.
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Delivering the keynote address at the last annual Tea Party Convention in Nashville Tennessee, Sarah blitzed the crowd with a hundered grand’s worth of Republican bullet points and vagaries, and did her best to corral the ambitions of the mostly lumpen audience should they hope to elude the two-party machine with candidates of their own in November.
But while you would think that Palin—a pro at masturbating her audiences with a guileless delivery of GOP boilerplate—should be able to yodel the entire conservative agenda in her sleep, apparently it is just so much bullshit to her as well; so much so that she had to write it on her hand to keep on message.
This would be hilarious in and of itself, she-who-would-be-president needing a crib note to deliver a line about “lifting America’s spirits”, as if that isn’t the kind of rhetoric any politician doesn’t need to puke up twenty times a day. But since it follows directly after her opening remarks about Obama’s notorious teleprompter habit, the instant karma is irresistible.
Note also that she crossed out “budget” cuts and wrote in “tax” cuts. Am I the only one surprised that she didn’t use white out?
I also love how – in this SAME SPEECH – she criticized Obama for using a teleprompter. Does anyone else here remember W using a full-on radio pack to put answers in his ear for campaign debates? And this brain-dead piece of toffee is considered ‘earthy’ and ‘down-home’ for scribbling on her hand. Projection, thy name is GOP…
Sarah’s just the latest in a long line of idiot conservative snake-oil salesmen to come along and get the base to vote against their own interests. The only problem is she’s so stupid the others have actually started to notice.
::bangs head on the wall::
The woman’s too stupid to understand how her own state was involved in the Cold War, and they’re STILL pandering her as the next president?
I’m amazed she can dress herself.
Captcha Analysis: They Worsted
And yet the Wonder of the Left, Barackus Obamus, can’t even talk to elementary school kids without a teleprompter. And God help him if it breaks down — he struggles for words like they’re actively running away from him. Six words for Palin vs. a whole speech spelled out for Obama. Yeah, he’s brilliant, all right.
He doesn’t have to be brilliant for her to be a botard.
Captcha I-got-nothin’: Sponging To
It blows my mind that people need to try and come up with some sort of false parity between Obama and Palin. There is no doubt that Obama is an intelligent man capable of thinking off the cuff. For evidence of this one needs look no further than his recent Q&A session at the GOP retreat. He was so good Fox News actually cut it short.
I never saw why they latched onto f’ing TELEPROMPTERS as their issue. Both Bushes used them, hell, so did St. Ronald. They’re a vital part of any public speaker’s arsenal. It’s as if they can’t find anything else to criticize him for, which is something I don’t have a problem doing, and I’m to Obama’s left, fercrissakes. But what’s much, much worse in all this is the fact that the next Gooper to get into the Oval Office is also going to use teleprompters, and these guys aren’t going to have a thing to say about it. Hypocrisy means nothing to these guys. At least not when they’re doing it.
The fact that Palin was dumb enough to use fucking CRIB NOTES while lambasting Obama for using a teleprompter shows how much trouble this nation is in. And the fact that these yahoos are defending her for doing just that destroys what little hope I have left.
Oddly appropriate Captcha: oceana or
Jody, the false parity is one thing. But in the next breath they say that they don’t need no PERFESSER at the lectern. So he is apparently one of those dumb smarties.
At least your government is still working. Our parliment has been prorogued for months.
Given the progress of health care, financial reform, don’t ask don’t tell, Afghanistan, and the goddam teabaggers to name a few I would dispute your statement, D Hue…
She also has her name on her bracelet, I see. Just in case she forgets, you know.
What an embarrassing picture: seeing the word “Budget” marked out just looks very silly. But of course conservatives will find a way to make this seem more “pure” and “down to earth” than those “teleprompting-using-liberals”.
Your country’s politics amuses me
Why your right seems to choose the dumbest candidates that they can find continues to baffle me. I mean, Obama wont win any nobel prizes… I’m sorry, Nobel Prizes that actually mean something, but atleast he didnt write cheat notes on his hand!
Does this mean Alaska is going to secede just like Texas?
I don’t fear her, I fear what she doesn’t know.
Today’s captcha. What happens when “professional” wrestling expands into the supermarket:
bischoff produce
Well I guess the Liberals have to take their “victories” where they can get em. I know that I will probably get blasted for what I’m about to say, but how bout this? WE STOP FUCKING ARGUING OVER WHO USES A TELEPROMPTER AND WHO USES THEIR G**DAMN HAND AND GET BACK TO FOCUSING ON THE ISSUES.
Funny, that’s what the liberals were saying the entire time the right was farting off about the “teleprompter-in-chief”. Only now that we see the best and the brightest up-and-comers of the GOP resort to crib notes do we hear folks deciding they want to move on.
But agreed. Let’s get back to the issues. Like Obama’s birth certificate, or his secret Muslim heritage, or his his socialism, or how he actually raised taxes for everyone despite the fact that 95% of the nation got a cut, or how his stimulus bill was nothing but pork when most of it went to tax cuts and infrastructure.
One side has been trying to talk about the issues. The other has been running around in circles pissing itself shrieking while wearing tri-corn hats festooned with teabags. Why, it’s almost as if they aren’t approaching the whole debate in good faith, and are simply trying to throw as much shit as they can into the punch.
That’s funny you should say that, Jody, cause if I recall correctly, that’s almost the same thing that the Libbys did during the Bush administration. I mean what are the odds that the conservatives and the “tea baggers” would use the exact same tactics that their opponents used in the last administration?
I recall some weird conspiracies about Bush, such as that he was behind 9/11. I don’t recall the democrats making them the centerpiece of their election hopes.
Face it: the teabags are batshit. Did you watch any of their “convention”? Stripped of their jingo, they have absolutely no idea about what they want. Listen to them complain about lower taxes! For who? The people who crashed the fucking economy??
The irony is, taxes are absolutely going to go up because of that! And there will be new kinds of taxes too, like a value added tax! Why do the conservatives trace the money trail all the way to Washington and then lose the scent when it starts to lead to Wall Street? Why does Glenn Beck go on TV every night to warn us about the Opocalypse, but never tar a single banking executive for their role in the unemployment spike? Methinks the conservatives have tunnel vision.
Indeed, Venom. The liberals were running in circles shrieking about how Bush was wiretapping people illegally, pointlessly leading us to war with Iraq even tho they had not invaded us, cutting taxes for the wealthy while plunging the nation into debt, going on vacation while his security officers were insisting “Bin Laden determined to strike in the US”, f’ing TORTURING PEOPLE, and host of other things. None of which are nearly as important as Obama’s birth certificate. Naturally.
Further, they had the staunch support of the vast left-wing conspiracy machine. Liberal politicians of every stripe came out of the woodwork to 9-11 truther conventions and Rachel Maddow dominated the airwaves with her own network slinging slanderous bullshit at Dubya day and night.
Oh wait.
Belch about it all you like. There is no parity there. The left marginalized people that were correct, and the right allows its lunatics to run the asylum. And the right is perfectly happy with it that way, because to such people politics is a football game. They are unconcerned with the direction the nation is taking so long as their preferred propaganda outlets tell them they’re winning the war against the fags and brown people.
JY: It is not just the teabaggers. To say that allows a veneer of credibility to the apparatus dedicated to supporting it. The GOP WANTS the teabaggers out there, dragging us all deeper into crazyland, so they can spout their own crazy bullshit and seem reasonable by comparison.
There’s a reason the left marginalizes their nutjobs, and the right places them center stage. Because the right is not acting in good faith.
The best part of le affair du scribble; they were crib notes for the Q&A session after the teleprompted speech. She can’t remember her retarded talking points for more than thirty seconds after her rant. She has to be reminded of what spontaneous questions her hand-picked audience is going to ask her. I’m seriously thinking of switching my voter registration to R so I can vote for her in the primaries.
Captcha’s thinking of my Northeastern Family: Niece Huron
Two thirds of the stimulus money has yet to be spent, and the one third that did get spent went to Democrat party cronies. Unemployment has only gone up since the stimulus was passed, because it didn’t actually create any jobs. The slight drop in the unemployment rate in December was from seasonal jobs, which are over now, combined with the Census Bureau hiring temps who will be dropped by the end of this year.
There has not been any tax cut from Obama yet, especially not for 95% of the country. He said during the campaign that he would let the Bush tax cuts expire next year, which will mean a tax hike for everyone who currently pays income taxes, as well as new taxes for a large number of people that currently owe nothing.
Obama complained about deficits throughout his campaign, but then proceeded to pass a budget with a $1.8 trillion deficit — four times as high as Bush’s highest deficit.
He dragged his feet on Afghanistan, letting good troops die while trying for four months to figure out a way to spin his plans in a way that would appease his hippy-left base. The opinion of Code Pink is more important to him than solders’ lives, which might explain why he can’t pronounce the word \corpsman.\ The only success he can hang is hat on as Commander-in-Chief is Iraq, which Bush won before he left office.
How’s that for issues?
My opinion of any Obama critic drops whenever I hear one use the term “Democrat party”, as if misrepresenting the name of the Democratic party is somehow a clever dig.
If two thirds of the stimulus money is yet unspent, than the Republic party (clever dig or retarded taunt? You make the call) should stop complaining that it has all been spent, and to no avail. If it only went to Obama’s “cronies”, a charge you do not substantiate, then Republicans should stop showing up at photo-ops handing out giant novelty stimulus checks.
But hey, it is the private sector that is supposed to create the jobs anyway, right? Free market, Invisible Hand, etc.? Capitalism has my full permission to reassert itself and rescue this economy on its own anytime it wants. Oh, wait… did Obama kill capitalism? Did Obama suck a trillion dollars away from the wealthy and bestow it on welfare queens? Is that how it went down in your world, Cal?
Republicans have made “fiscal responsibility” the cornerstone of their propaganda machine since before Reagan, yet when Bush left office he had turned a first-in-a-generation surplus into a planet-sized debt. No help there. And Obama has escalated the war in Afghanistan, not diminished it. I don’t know who you think he’s appealing to with that maneuver, but it ain’t Cindy Sheehan.
And please, let’s not get into a pissing match over which party’s presidents can’t manage the English language.
Face facts, Cal: the Republicans fucked up but good. They have no solutions. But by all means, come back at me with their “plan” and how it would work. I’m dying to hear it.
Just out of curiosity, but am I the only one sick of hear this useless bickering and one up bullshit that both sides seem to be engaging in? I seriously don’t think either side has our best interest at hand and they only give to take more away from us later on. I understand that we will always have a difference of opinion , but it shouldn’t be like this always.
It gets worse when we as the people start fighting amongst ourselves, choosing \sides\ as it were. I think Lincoln said it best \A house divided against itself cannot stand\. It’s like the blame game is the status quo. Granted I didn’t vote for Obama (or McCain), but since this is the choice that was made, we have gain as much from it as possible and look at the end result.