Go Chuck Yourself
As the August 30th return of Weapon Brown draws nearer, I find that even I cannot endure his absence much longer. So, I am inviting any artistic Blockheads out there to contribute a cartoon for  a week of Weapon Brown guest strips!
I would like to run 5-7 days worth of guest strips starting Monday, August 23rd, a week prior Chuck’s triumphant return. They can be in any style, but should be self-contained and not related to the ongoing storyline. Just one-off’s taking place in the Weapon Brown universe starring Chuck or any of the other characters. Goofy? Gritty? Your choice!
If you’ve got what it takes, please e-mail me some lo-rez samples of your pre-existent work for me to look at. I will contact those I choose to participate with directions for size, resolution, etc. The unchosen will have the choice to eat shit and/or die.
Belated apology for not making it out to the Pittsburgh con with the Ghostbusting giants. Got to school some of the uninitiated at a gallery opening at Pgh’s Toonseum, you would have been pleased.
Oh yeah, I may try out for a WB strip, too.
Well, it was awkward treating those two guys as eye candy, but I had no choice! You weren’t there! It did give me a chance to appreciate what a fine hunk of man Crago is, however.
And go on, try out for Guest Week! I dares ya!
Captcha StarCraft 2 production art: Concept Wurm
JY, this is not only the return of Weapon Brown, but it’s the beginning of the end of the Blockhead’s War, correct? (I’m sure almost the whole gang will be returning to another creamy filled goodness of bloodlust and sheer violence, butchaknow)
Captcha can either be a good family reunion or bad family reunion: Cousin Initiating
I can’t draw so I guess I’ll just go ahead and eat some shit
I’ll sit back, let the talented people work, and give you a rain check for ‘go die’.
Yeah, I like how in the picture from the con he looks like he’s making Beepo his prom date… I do hear he’s single though, fyi.
D’you want sequential art or just any old scribble, subject, etc? I’m no artistic god, but I figure ‘what the hell?’
Just send me any samples that look like what your strip might.
Captcha unusual hobby: Collecting Specked