No tears, please. It’s a waste of good suffering!
Now that I have satisfied you beyond words with the revelation of  the identity of Mr. Priceless, surely you won’t mind another delay in the next strip? Surely not!
I will be in the alien state of Baltimore this weekend for the Baltimore Comic-Con (Artist Alley, table A181), so that means my drawing schedule has once again been screwed by my selling schedule. Next week’s update will be on Friday, and then, with Thor as my witness, I will be back to plain ol’ Monday/Thursday the week thereafter.
I have plenty of animated cartoons in the Megoplex that, if my webstats are accurate, haven’t been watched  in three years.Why not reserve an afternoon and watch them all?
And don’t forget, the Great Weapon Brown Art Sale wraps at the end of this month! Don’t miss your chance to win that sweet Brown Lantern artwork at the top of the page. Buy my artwork! I’m the only thing keeping this damn economy afloat!!
Sir, if you didn’t screw out of wanted and desired updates because of legitimate and illegitimate distractions, you wouldn’t be our dear Lord VoldeBluth![😉](
Baltimore is nota state , oh foul withholder of comic goodness!! Behold yon map, ye ink monkey. Baltimore is a City in the conservatively confused stated of Maryland. And Aye we can bear more time away from this story as you ply your wares, and scribblings to unsuspecting soft brains. But mind you we do not suffer disappointment lightly, and may take to “READING” in defiance of the fasting you have forced upon us. Fie upon you, sir Fie……
A junkie gets what he gets…. I will wait as patiently as I’m able… =)