Happy Cyber Black Monday, my strong brothers and sisters. I hope you are all taking power from whitey through one cutting blog post after another. Don’t be afraid to troll Amazon, neither! The revolution will not be retweeted!
But this Monday is blacker still for lack of a Weapon Brown update. And that agony will grow sharper still throughout this entire comic-less week; building and building, the pain like flaming razorblades being pulled through your arteries, until the pressure finally releases next week in the orgasmic gush of blood that will be the final installment of Blockhead’s War!!!
Phew. I need a cigarette.
Will tears be jerked? Will heartstrings be pulled? Is it personal this time? You will know soon! But I must say, the anticipation is killing me, too. This project, originally intended as a two-issue series, has grown into a four year-long monster, and it is only now that I realize how easy it would have been to form a suicide cult from my fan base. Sadly, that decision needed to have been made around issue four. There are a lot of logistics involved in acquiring arsenic and matching mauve jumpsuits that simply cannot be organized at the last minute.
And so my dreams of burning my name into history will have to be extended into my upcoming projects. I will give you all a nuanced update about the of tomorrow when the last Weapon Brown strip hits, but let me extend this pre-conclusion “thank you” to you all for hanging around this long, and I think the conclusion will make you happy you did.
Jason, Thank you. It’s been a real hoot watching Weapon Brown.
It’s okay, I’m sure there are many others who, like me, would gladly carve your name into their naked bodies before gutting themselves out of sheer devotion. You just have to say the word (right guys? Who’s with me?)
Why settle for arsenic?… Drinking bleach is infinitely cheaper and easier, and I can mail people their own yellow shirt with black zig-zag stripe express for the final moment preceding our ritual “good griefing”suicides
I actually have ready access to arsenic. Just sayin’.
Mauve? Man, I look awful in mauve. That would have been a major deal breaker in the whole suicide pact deal for me. I asked ol’ man captcha last time i wore it , all he said is that it “was ponytl” and went back to exposing himself for the schoolkids.
Kids always have loved slapstick at that age.
So what you’re saying is that I need to refresh the page a few more times before the comic appears, right? I’ll get right on that.
Ppppfft! I only buy cool stuff online. You know that!
Lookin’ forward to the conclusion of the wild ride, and I’m ready for the next wave! (Thanks again to Mr. Notley for directing me here). I’d join yer suicide pact but I annoy so many people by being alive! Rock on!
So I have a question for you JY. I know the final print issues will come out soon after you are done with this run (which I will be buying). My question is this:
Will you at least consider making a complete collected works version (much like Scud: The Whole Shebang), and if you do (which I would also buy), would you possibly make it annotated? (OH GREAT JEBUS MY WALLET WOULD FLY OPEN SO QUICK MY FINGERS WOULD BE BROKEN!!!)
Thank you for your time.
Now I have to put on a new pair of pants…
JY: There will most assuredly be a collected edition. In fact, the graphic novel is what all this effort has been for from the get go. It will be released next year, probably preceded by a Kickstarter campaign which you will ALL be donating to!!
It would be nifty to annotate the collection, but I think that would distract from the flow of the story. I will certainly include sketchbook pages and the like, with some observations on particular pages of interest.
An easy way to annotate would be to provide endnotes with the tags that were posted online for each page.
Hello again.
I was going to suggest something that would fit in with the Kickstarter pledge level thingy. I own a copy of the graphic novel of the complete Oz Squad, a tale that if you haven’t heard of you might want to check out. And what they did for that is put all the annotations in the back with page numbers so you can read about the hidden goodies after you enjoyed the tale.
Now here’s why I am sooper genius:
One of the pledge levels could be a ‘WHY’S everybody always dyin’ on me?’ deluxe edition of the graphic novel with the annotation in the back. (I have to admit I got the idea from another Kickstarter project I backed.)
No matter what my wallet gets more excited for this than a menopausal woman does for ‘Twilight’…
Dude… see a doctor. Also, the suspense truly is killing me – how long do we have to wait til your next political punditry ffs?