The Scarlet Button
So we’ve all seen it now, the Daily Outrage, a woman in a parking lot acting like a genuine asshole to a man whose asshole pedigree is at least uncertain. What is certain is that if you want to see a white woman shout the word “nigger” as often as has been shouted by anyone on screen since Django Unchained, there’s a video with your name on it. Here it is, if you simply must.
To me, the racial politics involved, which are ostensibly the reason for the public’s fascination with this video (it already has over five million YouTube views in less than three days), are less interesting than the angle of  this video as public shaming. The Internet mob has reveled in their ability to throw virtual cabbages at this woman in the name of self-righteousness. Below are just a sprinkling of the comments this video has engendered. As you will see, they will issue a high horse to just about anyone these days:
At first I was pissed than I watched the video and realized the man was dealing with a Trailer Trash crazy woman. Â
This frazzled, squirrelly-looking, “bipolar” Italian B*tch needs to be committed.
This lady is absolutely crazy and probably not fit to nuture [sic] her children.
There is a special place in hell for cunts like her
What a piece of garbage! She is the real ni** er!!!!
I hope this video goes vial [sic] enough for whatever New York’s version of child protective services gets involved.
Did she say how many cops she’s stripped for?What happened to this small-minded stripper afterwards?
I would have fucked that bitch up. Even though im not black … man thats too far. Bitches need to learn(…)
Oh, and let us not forget…
… pardon my language but she is a absolute f*cking b*tch, crack wh*re, stupid c*nt pig f*cker.
(At least he had the decency to use asterisks. Now he won’t have to confess this on Sunday!)
So, congratulations, IAMOYAB (the aggrieved party’s name on YouTube)! You have avenged your wounded dignity at the cost of all womankind.
Am I saying that this harridan’s Michael Richards-worthy tirade is at all legitimate? Of course not. Even if it were merely a cheap, cheap attack instead of a regurgitation of her inner Klansmen, it would still be apalling. The question is, did we need to know about it? “Racism is alive and well” the video’s maker comments in his voiceover. Well… not so alive and well that you didn’t know you could post a video like this and win instant sympathy from half the world, much of it couched in the language of misogyny.Â
Should he have not posted the video? Shit, I can hardly pretend not to have chuckled at similarly embarrassing clips. Maybe I feel a bit closer to the reality of it all since this outburst was recorded in Cheektowaga, NY (my neck of the woods), or perhaps it is empathy after the woman dug her hole deeper still when she engaged in a mortifying call-in to a local radio station to share her side of the story (“I have a black cousin!” she reported).Â
Really though, I am bothered by what this video is not, which is just deserts. The man in the car, insulted as he was, has multiplied the unpleasantness a thousand-fold by putting out the video unedited (except for the action he himself may or may have not committed that set the woman off), blasting the offender’s identity to the world at large. This is, of course, what any pissed-off person would do if he had a forum and no internal editor. Thanks to the Internet Aeon, where everyone is their own magazine, radio program and late-night talk show, he was able to wreck the havoc he thought his slanderer deserved. But if this video had to be shown, then at least he should have pixelated the woman’s face, allowing her words to damn her while sparing her family (if no one else). And if he didn’t have the skill to pull that off, then just maybe he should have resisted the urge to pin YouTube’s scarlet play button to her chest for all time.
Am I being too lenient on Eva Braun? My own sister-in-law recently insisted I pull a photograph of her off my website. The picture? Her at her post-maternity best, in a hospital bed holding her newborn son. She works in corporate America, and this image is somehow undignified. Fine, the picture is gone–but a fix will not be so easy for today’s potential Daily Show nugget. Who knows what this woman’s rant–AND HITTING BELOW THE BELT HAS BEEN KNOWN TO HAPPEN IN FIGHTS, PEOPLE–will ultimately cost her that you yourself would have to admit is an ounce too much? Yet in our Voyeuracracy, your least sin is considered worthy of a lifetime of retribution.
This event–recorded, disseminated, ladled to the anonymous sharks of the comment zone like so much chum– now has the public weight of what we have traditionally called “news”. But it’s not. News has integrity and serves the public good in the telling of it. That’s why we don’t call TMZ “news”. That’s why we don’t call Fox News “news”.
Certainly the word “nigger” is not news. I challenge the offended party to surrender his iPod to see just how often that word comes up in his playlists! And a crazy woman shouting “nigger” until she needs a lozenge is not news either (I’ve had such a display happen right outside my own home, and it made me wince, but I don’t want my neighbor’s name added to a registry over it).
What we have here  is a common novelty, and it will be forgotten by tomorrow, except by the woman, whose  cloddish disgrace is now fodder for a tsk-tsking as far away as the Australian outback, and the maker of the video, who even now is beset by sugar plum dreams of monetizing those five million views. The only winner in all this is Poo-Pourri, the foul toilet product whose ads are running before the video. Good luck getting some of that ad revenue, IAMOYAB. You haven’t really done much for race relations, but at least there is a way to keep your shit from stinking.
Never seen it, still have no desire to view it, not in the least bit.
Captcha sez unit otsnots
Oh my that poor poor woman, having her public racist rants actually heard and everything. Why, if every time someone starts screeching slurs in someone’s face it’s going to start getting NOTICED and OBJECTED TO, where will honest folks like us ever be free to screech slurs in someone’s face again? After all, those types say it in their hippity-hop videos and their gang signs and whatnot all the time, sayin’ it’s a big deal when I yell it at them is just reverse discrimininatin’ is what it is.
I tell you hwat, that uppity joker with the camera oughta be taught a lesson or two about taking his lumps from us decent folks. Remember to bring the hoods, we all know this boy won’t go outa his way to censor our faces for us.
Judging by your abbreviated transcript, she behaved horribly and it’s safe to call her a racist. But there is truly something odd that we live in a world where 5 million people may view your video of an angry person in a parking lot and many feel the need to post equally hateful, sexist and racist comments about the racist person. One woman yelling epithets at someone in the parking lot probably happens somewhere every day. It sucks. It’s bad. But meanwhile, there’s systemic racism in the workplace and elsewhere that’s having a much more detrimental effect on a daily basis that no one knows about. Like this one:
Oh, and Captcha can fuck right off. Are they working for Google now? It’s a photo of a house number…
A youtube star today, a back burner doll for the rest of her life. At least she can get a job at Walmart when all the kids graduate…
Almost as racist as this goober:
Good thing we have some resident republicans to fire back some tiresome dogwhistles!
Don’t let the Black Panthers hear you called them a Dogwhistle there, Holms…
You do realize that most of these social justice videos are staged, right?
She knew he was recording. She had heard of youtube…. Pretty hard to feel bad for her. He didn’t provoke her. She obviously wanted to scream that word. People of course will forget… As for her friends and family they already know what she is like and it’s probably not the first time she has embarassed them, but maybe, just maybe it’ll be the last…. Then again probably not. But maybe just maybe her kids will think twice about saying these thing to people….
Maybe the woman will apologize… Maybe they will kiss and make up. Maybe that will make it on youtube too and we can have closure…. The ball is in her court. She gave him the gun and the ammunition….
I don’t really blame the guy for uploading that (probably better to blot out her face). Racism and slurs are very powerful, be they subtle or pronounced. I’d rather there be some anonymity left in the world but she was asking for a beating and she didn’t get it in front of her kids. She got youtubed.
And what if he had a child in the passenger seat? What then?
Just saw the link of the cotton gin above… Equally disturbing if not more so. I’m not big on “political correctness” but hate speech and threats are fucked up and if you’re a minority, (especially one which has had suffered unimaginable injustice for centuries in a place.) I can’t blame you for being sensitive to the issue. I know that slavery has ended but seeing the cotton gin story serves as a reminder that while we don’t all have to get along and sing kumbaya we should AT LEAST treat others like human beings. And this isn’t about free speech. This woman was not using creative license in her rants she was trying to hurt the guy and I believe she probably did. And no one has infringed on her right to say it, he just granted her a wider audience. Isn’t that what she wanted? Didn’t she want everyone in earshot to hear it? Wish granted?
My comment was actually directed at you, Elfguy. You are one of the predictable ones who try to deflect criticism and derail conversation by bringing in superfluous shit, as if to say that they are equivalent. You want to sabotage any constructive observation and keep the status quo.
How exactly is an example of a racist “superfluous” in a discussion on racism, Holms?
Nice try at a strawman argument, but that dog isn’t gonna hunt. You need to work on your trolling skills.
A video of a white racist white person was posted and discussed. You came along and protested ‘but but here’s a black person being *more* racist!’ which is nothing but a distraction from the current topic. Why is it that trolls always accuse others of trolling?
P.S. say hi to Malachi for me.
I seem to remember a few posts by the OP ,and co-inidentally owner of this website on the subject of Fukushima which put him in the territory of the “frazzled stripper” in terms of his level of cultural sensitivity. And let me be clear I’m not posting to defend racism, misogeny or misandry but to shake the OP’s cosy bubble of moral highground.
Holms, Racism is racism, regardless of the skin color of the perpetrator. The fact that you can’t see that makes me a sad panda.
Nice try, but no, not all racism is equal. Ask yourself which is systemic out of anti-black sentiment and anti-white before heading back to Fox.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, I haven’t had television for more than 5 years now, so your idiotic attempt at trolling with the “Fox News” trope won’t work.
All racism is equally bad. However “Systematic” racism went out with Jim crow and the passage of Republican passed Civil Rights laws, which the Democrats opposed with all of their might, right down to Dixiecrats like KKK recruiter Robert Byrd.
No, the Dems and Republicans didn’t magically “Switch places” between 1960 and 1980, since that’s clearly going to be your next parroted talking point.
I wonder what it’s like to have to depend on one’s skin colour to feel superior to another human being. Personally, I use my strength, higher than average intellect and a rather vicious mean streak to bury any person that gets in my way! (well, not literally. most of the time…)
“However “Systematic†racism went out with Jim crow and the passage of Republican passed Civil Rights laws…”
“No, the Dems and Republicans didn’t magically “Switch places†between 1960 and 1980…”
Look at a map showing which party the various states voted for in say Abe Lincoln’s presidential bid, since republicans are so fond of claiming him as their own. Yes he was a republican, but the states that voted for him were the west and upper east coast. The states voting democrat, i.e. against Abe and his emancipation platform, were the southern and central states. Funny how those are the exact opposite of today’s party lines! Funny how that switch is well documented!
So, nice try squirming away from it, but I’m afraid the counterpoint stands.
No, idiot…the states that now vote Democrat are the ones that have been taken over by socialists. That’s a totally different issue from Slavery and civil rights.
Democrats have always been AGAINST civil rights…even now, they’re undermining the bill of rights everywhere they can, trying to change “Freedom of religion” into “Freedom FROM religion” and trying to twist the right of the people to keep and bear arms into the right of the military (only) to keep and bear arms.
Seriously, are you really that stupid to try to use THAT argument? You don’t even qualify as a troll…or even a tool.
“[epic insult!] …the states that now vote Democrat are the ones that have been taken over by socialists. That’s a totally different issue from Slavery and civil rights.”
Sure, the issues of the day have changed, e.g. from slavery to religious teachings, but that in no way changes what I said earlier: the states that used to vote republican now vote democrat and vice versa. So my point remains that the parties did indeen switch places.
“Democrats have always been AGAINST civil rights…”
Are you even aware which states voted against emancipation? Strangely, the southern and central states that were then-democrat-now-republican voting. In fact I hear they went to war over ‘states rights,’ though the only state held right that was being opposed was the issue of slavery… but yeah, the conservative states are totes cool with civil rights.
Democrats and socialists are against civil rights…they have been since before World War 2.
Here you go, direct evidence:
1. So, nothing to refute my point that the parties swapped voting demographics.
1.2. Which means that your claim that the Republicans passed the emancipation reform is wrong, because those that used to be Republican are now Democrat. They swapped policies.
1.3 Which means your attempt to pin anti-rights on the democrats no longer has an example demonstrating your point. Because, as I have made painfully clear, the people that voted for emancipation are now democrat states, and those that voted against are now republican.
2. As for WWII appeasement… are you aware that the guy who wanted to accomodate Hitler and not get involved was a conservative Prime Minister? Neville Chamberlain. Conservative appeaser to nazism.
2.1 Which do you think had a larger influence on British politics – an Irish playwright with socialist leanings, or the goddamn Prime Minister? Pretty sure that’s a point against conservatism, my unlearned interlocutor.
I live in Cheektowaga. This woman is not a good representation of the majority of us.
Ass clowns don’t represent anyone, actually. Much like a cheap toy from a Happy Meal they amuse for a short time and then are discarded into the garbage. I’d actually feel sorry for them if they didn’t make such good cannon fodder.
Hey Roadie! I have been trying to reach you! Send me an e-mail about your Kickstarter rewards!
Captcha nuclear launch code: 13320