“Source Code”: Coming Soon!
Mark your calendars for Monday, September 18th, 2023! This is the date that I launch the Kickstarter for Source Code, a limited edition, 24-page sketchbook that is Phase 1 of my plan to bring my humorous science fiction comic book Kobayashi Maru back to life in earnest!
Kobayashi Maru! You’ve all heard of it! It’s the black sheep of Whatisdeepfried.com! I created the first issue of Kobayashi Maru a few years ago, and then put KM on ice to pursue other projects. But this sci-fi parody (which I intended to be my next big project before Aftershock distracted me) has never been far from my thoughts!
Now I want to redraw the first issue with new story elements and with the help of a new creative team, after which I will pitch it to major publishers (Or, if things go really well, self-publish it as my own graphic novel!) And Source Code is my first step towards the goal of making Kobayashi Maru an ongoing series!
Source Code will be filled with development material, character bios, spaceship designs and secret data (ooo!) that is intended to generate a small amount of money to hire the artists I want to work with. The goal is modest (just $3400.00), and in a way, this will be my first true Kickstarter, in that it is meant to get this project off the ground, not complete one I have already begun.
I hope you’ll check out the campaign once it launches! See you next week!
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