Important! Read Read Read!
Hi gang! (Oh, and hello Mrs. Gang. You look lovely today). I just want to let you folks know that my strip updates over the next couple weeks may not adhere to the regular schedule of Monday/Thursday. I will still be doing two a week, but now those posts may occur on unpredictable days. Monday/Tuesday, Tuesday/Sunday…. who knows how I what I will be trying to get away with??
I apologize in advance, and promise that this will not last long. A few schedule-floobing things have fallen into my lap, and I will have to do some juggling to accomplish everything I need to for the next fortnight or so. Thank you for your patience.
I know I was one of the first “switch to Thursday” agitators, but I don’t really care what day the update comes, if there’s two a week, I’m happy.
It’s okay because you used fortnight in a sentence.
Hope everything works out well for you.
fuckc fuckf uckf uckfuck fuckf uckfuckf uckfuck fuckfuc kfu ckfuckfuckfu ckf uckf uckfuckcuf kfkcufkccufkc ufkc ufkcfu
Let’s hope we have Fresh Brown tomorrow morning. Only thing that makes Monday bearable.
Thank you for the warning. My body goes into spasms if I expect an update and don’t get it. Captcha wants to know “which priplica?” is causing this change in schedules.
I don’t care. As long as I get my fix, I’m good with my pusher’s needs.
Whatever you need to do, we’ll be here!
No! You have to continue to give us this free comic goodness on a set schedule that *WE* demand because we…uhh…DESERVE it! Yeah!
Seriously – I just appreciate that this comic is ever updated at all. It’s the best thing going and I’m very happy for it. *does the honorary Snoopy dance*