Weapon Brown: The Returnifying
Hear ye, hear ye! Can ye hear me in the back? Good! This is to announce that my trans-temporal beam-o-scope has completed it’s necessary 1000th oscillation, and  the Weapon Brown reboot will officially commence next Monday!
You long-time fans are about to feel like the chumps of the century, as hundreds, nay dozens of new fans pour into the site and are treated to Weapon Brown four times a week! But don’t think I have forgotten you “classic” Blockheads! ( I can’t forget you until I have all your money from the Pre-Order-Pocalypse!) So know that while Chuck will dominate this site Monday-Thursday, new Coffee Break cartoons will still arrive on Fridays, until they are replaced by the resuscitation of Deep Fried. And oh Lordy, if you guys thought you had seen the best of my worst, just you wait! Deep Fried will be crispier and oilier than ever, with dark and creepy shenanigans from Beepo, Roadkill and Squints that I shudder to think of. “NSFW” will soon mean “Not Safe For the World”!
Now fly! Fly, my monkeys! Tell the Princes and Potentates of the coming day of reckoning! Tweet the news to every Android in existence! Tweet! Tweeeeeeet!
“Yethhhh my mathter! At onthe, my mathter!”
[slump] [slump] [slump]
Can we, your fans, be referred to as the “Legion of Brown” ?
I feel more pure because I suffered through and survived your updates for the past ten years, Jason. We. Have. History. And don’t you forget it, mister.
It’s not April 1 yet– what gives?
So, will there be reboot revisions, or is it more of a straight-up rerun vibe?
Chumps? Pssht. Reruns are the best!
The strips will simply be the revivification of those that ran in the past, only now on a 4-day a week schedule. I have given some thought to coloring a few of them, but I don’t want to promise what I can’t deliver. You have already suffered through enough of that!
See you in a month, folks! Indiana Capthca is taking me on a Strsto Voyage!
(Oops…I entered the haiku incorrectly, and so Captcha took Onsalin Tamworth instead.)
Actually look forward to seein’ it again, for the first time (and I can comment without lookin’ (more) stupid)! Oh, don’t worry, my convenient amnesia will be in full force so’s not to tip off the story to the new folks!