Looking good so far, can’t wait! FYI, back link still points to WB #7, in case ya hadn’t tried it yet. At least going to that page, link forward comes back here, up until you put this new page up going back then forward ended up at an error page, so it’s an improvement.
All those link issues are because my comics are now categorized for the ComicPress theme I will be using, which doesn’t mesh up with the old one. Everything should be okey doke when I roll everything out.
Captcha has only been working 729, bit still wants health benefits.
Aw yes! I never thought I’d be on the cutting edge of the comments section at deepfried. Bless the lord, hallelujah.
Looking forward to seeing what this crazy sons of bitches will be getting up to in the coming weeks!
I’m digging the new look!
Yea! Welcome back,guys! Dig Beepo’s tombstone; nice to see ya didn’t go easy on them!
Looking good so far, can’t wait! FYI, back link still points to WB #7, in case ya hadn’t tried it yet. At least going to that page, link forward comes back here, up until you put this new page up going back then forward ended up at an error page, so it’s an improvement.
All those link issues are because my comics are now categorized for the ComicPress theme I will be using, which doesn’t mesh up with the old one. Everything should be okey doke when I roll everything out.
Captcha has only been working 729, bit still wants health benefits.
Yesss!! I’ve waited so long for this moment. Guess who *won’t* be shooting himself this holiday season!
Well, that’s good news! We need every Blockhead to make this crappy little rock a better place to live.
Hey, as a added bonus Roadkill actually looks like roadkill now.
(though we know he died in a drug induced BDSM accident with Grace Jones…)
New Beepo and Roadkill? Maybe new Clarissa! I am HAPPY!
Aw yes! I never thought I’d be on the cutting edge of the comments section at deepfried. Bless the lord, hallelujah.
Looking forward to seeing what this crazy sons of bitches will be getting up to in the coming weeks!