Huh, and here I was half expecting the ol’ “One of us always lies and one of us always tells the truth” riddle. On the other hand, this is almost more dastardly.
I thought we had seen the end of the Creepy Cruller. For that matter, I guess I wasn’t really expecting to see Him-Hunk again either. (Both were seen in the first few pages of, “Out of the Frying Pan.”)
But it makes sense they’d be a pair, lurking in Beepo’s subconscious, sort of like an angel for one shoulder and a devil for the other.
Huh, and here I was half expecting the ol’ “One of us always lies and one of us always tells the truth” riddle. On the other hand, this is almost more dastardly.
Time’s a-wastin’…he’d better hop to it!
I remember high school trig. Something about a square hippopotamus.
JY: 😀
I thought we had seen the end of the Creepy Cruller. For that matter, I guess I wasn’t really expecting to see Him-Hunk again either. (Both were seen in the first few pages of, “Out of the Frying Pan.”)
But it makes sense they’d be a pair, lurking in Beepo’s subconscious, sort of like an angel for one shoulder and a devil for the other.