I just knew that Marmaduke would appear here, and that he’d be called Duke. Of course, we can’t have Snoop die just yet, so what’s going to happen next?
A — Snoop whacks Duke.
B — Snoop eludes Duke, who then chomps on Dogwood.
C — The fight is stopped by Anne or someone else, because they need Snoop alive for now.
D — Other.
Place yer bets!
BTW, if you’re going to have bickering couples, why not have The Lockhorns, or Andy Capp and ‘is missus?
oh fuck.. he’s so much bigger than Snoop. Either Snoop is going to have to make some friends fast, or he’s going to kick some serious ass.
In the second last frame I see Farley, from For Better or Worse.
In the first frame I also see a dog, but cannot remember his name. I think he is from Crankshaft, but am not certain. I seem to remember the dog with antlers from a sunday I used to read, but cannot place it. Anyone?
Out of curiosity, who (which strip) says doggone again?
Sherlock, haha.. opps now I see the other comments. I do think the antlers is from bloom county. Yes, that’s right Crankshaft had a cat. In the fourth it’s Farley, not Edgar from FBOW. Awesome stuff. Go Snoop!
Swallowing Snoop whole will get him away from both teeth and claws, yet give Snoop unmuzzled access to Duke’s vital organs. Either Duke rethinks his strategy, or Snoop eats his way out.
You know? Marmaduke is one of the worst strips ever drawn. And yet to have him portrayed here like this is pretty outstanding. He goes from dipshit to arguably the scariest dog I have ever seen. I hope he gives a good fight before Snoop gets him down on a technicality.
lkjsdlkfjlksdjf: I’m pretty sure that’s Edgar, not Farley; I remember that Edgar was the freakish-looking one, because his ears were way too low on his head for a dog.
Maybe WB will show up and tear marmaduke apart, and then he will impale dagwood, hell yeah rip them all apart WB !!, ha ha, I find pretty perverse wait to c what will come next, ha ha. thanks for briging sense back to my life.
I agree with KiZeR, that chain link won’t hold up to an all out fight. But my prediction depends on a piece of missing info: Just what is the Spook doing right now?
You know, with multiple shots of Dagwood’s assless chaps, and Blondie’s beastiality quips, I half-suspect that Duke is going to ignore Snoopy altogether and just get busy dog-raping the hell out of ol’ “Dog-Wood”
Guess you guys never saw a smaller dog take on a larger one, most of the time the larger dog loses since the smaller one can get under them and get to their belly and “other things”, and do some serious damage.
And bring that rumble on !! Go Snoop show that marmaduke what a real dog fights like ! even if you are no that enormous, ha ha.
I just knew that Marmaduke would appear here, and that he’d be called Duke. Of course, we can’t have Snoop die just yet, so what’s going to happen next?
A — Snoop whacks Duke.
B — Snoop eludes Duke, who then chomps on Dogwood.
C — The fight is stopped by Anne or someone else, because they need Snoop alive for now.
D — Other.
Place yer bets!
BTW, if you’re going to have bickering couples, why not have The Lockhorns, or Andy Capp and ‘is missus?
I recognize the other canines in today’s strip: Rosebud the Basselope from “Bloom County” (panel 1) and Edgar from “For Better or Worse” (panel 4).
oh fuck.. he’s so much bigger than Snoop. Either Snoop is going to have to make some friends fast, or he’s going to kick some serious ass.
In the second last frame I see Farley, from For Better or Worse.
In the first frame I also see a dog, but cannot remember his name. I think he is from Crankshaft, but am not certain. I seem to remember the dog with antlers from a sunday I used to read, but cannot place it. Anyone?
Out of curiosity, who (which strip) says doggone again?
Sherlock, haha.. opps now I see the other comments. I do think the antlers is from bloom county. Yes, that’s right Crankshaft had a cat. In the fourth it’s Farley, not Edgar from FBOW. Awesome stuff. Go Snoop!
that look in Duke’s eye is priceless.
The Doggone funny thing is the true but usually not funny stories at the end of the Marmaduke strips.
Hooray Rosebud! Let’s see some basselope puppies!
Also, ohshit ohshit ohshit Snoopy. This is it.
captcha fairest production
ha ha ha … it’s like he thinks he’s people! oh wait wrong comic…
Snoop has a lower center of gravity, my bux are on him
Swallowing Snoop whole will get him away from both teeth and claws, yet give Snoop unmuzzled access to Duke’s vital organs. Either Duke rethinks his strategy, or Snoop eats his way out.
You know? Marmaduke is one of the worst strips ever drawn. And yet to have him portrayed here like this is pretty outstanding. He goes from dipshit to arguably the scariest dog I have ever seen. I hope he gives a good fight before Snoop gets him down on a technicality.
It’s not the size of the dog in the fight…
My prediction?
No way that small chain link fence is gonna contain those two.
Nah, Marmaduke’s a red herring. What’s really going to happen is that Fred Basset’s gonna come in and bore everyone to death.
I must admit, I completely failed to see this coming – quite possibly because Marmaduke is indeed so very forgettable.
Alas, I am disinclined to give this particular strip the scrutiny it deserves owing to the second appearance of the chaps. Gwah.
lkjsdlkfjlksdjf: I’m pretty sure that’s Edgar, not Farley; I remember that Edgar was the freakish-looking one, because his ears were way too low on his head for a dog.
Maybe WB will show up and tear marmaduke apart, and then he will impale dagwood, hell yeah rip them all apart WB !!, ha ha, I find pretty perverse wait to c what will come next, ha ha. thanks for briging sense back to my life.
I was expecting Dagwood to run out the door screaming only to run smack into the mailman.
I agree with KiZeR, that chain link won’t hold up to an all out fight. But my prediction depends on a piece of missing info: Just what is the Spook doing right now?
You know, with multiple shots of Dagwood’s assless chaps, and Blondie’s beastiality quips, I half-suspect that Duke is going to ignore Snoopy altogether and just get busy dog-raping the hell out of ol’ “Dog-Wood”
Guess you guys never saw a smaller dog take on a larger one, most of the time the larger dog loses since the smaller one can get under them and get to their belly and “other things”, and do some serious damage.
What Richard said above absolutely has to happen. Maybe not next update, but at some point.
Dag is going to run into Karl Malone?
Hawhaw! That’s doggone funny!
Interesting thing I’ve noticed in this go-round:
Snoop eats better than anyone else. Even alone and trapped in a cage he manages to score some finger food.
I had to “bring Youtiee” that one…sorry.
Yea, that’s the benefit of being a dog; anything made of flesh can become yer next meal!