@Jim: I do believe Hughie has an option list of one as well, as I don’t see him being that badass as he claims, even if Chuck’s giving him the benefit of acknowledging his history….now I just have to worry about another hiatus or are we going to get another strip this week for Xmas?
having had Chuck in this helpless state as long as we have had to endure it is probably as long as it has felt for him to be in it, and I so cannot wait to see Weapon Brown back online, per se ASAP….JY, you got facial models per se that you use to work out expressions, cuz Frames 3 and 8 are spooky in the way that I see both the OG CB and yet a whole different person altogether….or it could just be your artwork is getting better LOL
Richard: He’s talking about the fiber that connects his metal arm to his brain. Anne had it severed to keep him from breaking free; she couldn’t just remove the arm because of a booby trap called a Reactor Freak (which is another comic reference).
JY, I freaking love the detail work you put into WB! I the more i zapruder your comics, the more details i pick out. For example, are those rubber road cones on Hughie X’s shoulders? OH.. and yeah, the strip needs more boobies like Miss Buxley. Golly I miss her boobies.
@JY –
(Not that I’m expecting an answer this side of the Last War…)
I’ve noticed the sometimes vast differences in the styles of the Peanuts panels that accompany your strips. I can see some of it is from the older, earlier Schultz style, but some doesn’t seem to fit at all. Apparently some other peoples’ work. Where do all of these panels come from?
Because, y’know, these things fascinate me.
Welcome back, JY! Hopefully Hughie makes a better choice than Poulette…
so badass… so badass
@Jim: I do believe Hughie has an option list of one as well, as I don’t see him being that badass as he claims, even if Chuck’s giving him the benefit of acknowledging his history….now I just have to worry about another hiatus or are we going to get another strip this week for Xmas?
@llkjsdlkjfljlk: Sweeeet!
Captcha idea of abortion: Unscrew Golan
oh, I love Snoop. That was sooooo perfect.
having had Chuck in this helpless state as long as we have had to endure it is probably as long as it has felt for him to be in it, and I so cannot wait to see Weapon Brown back online, per se ASAP….JY, you got facial models per se that you use to work out expressions, cuz Frames 3 and 8 are spooky in the way that I see both the OG CB and yet a whole different person altogether….or it could just be your artwork is getting better LOL
captcha geography lesson: Burpea Minnesota
Or “C,” Keep the gun on Chuck’s head and get the dog to back off 10 feet or so. That’ll require some sand, though.
Best dialog yet in the series – keep it coming!
Captcha: ‘Finite that’.
And, for a bonus, B5 quote:
You are finite. I am finite. This..is wrong tool.
And a deal shall be forged.Also yay update!!
Captcha-the Abysses (i.e. Snoop’s stomach)
Where Hughie’s ass is going to end up if he chooses option A.
I never knew Snoop was part ninja. Makes me want to punch a pirate in the face.
Minutes Lonically
Jesus, but that was worth the wait!
MegaHentai – don’t encourage him to take more breaks.
@Richard, my fav. B5 quote, “either way bad for Zathras, ahh symmetry”. Seems to relate to Hughie’s situation.
Bwa ha ha, Chuck is brilliant with that dialog. I applaud the comic writer(s).
“How to splice a command fiber…” Wazzat mean? Little help here?
Richard: He’s talking about the fiber that connects his metal arm to his brain. Anne had it severed to keep him from breaking free; she couldn’t just remove the arm because of a booby trap called a Reactor Freak (which is another comic reference).
And now we see how Snoop got his name. Nice.
— Anticked During
JY, I freaking love the detail work you put into WB! I the more i zapruder your comics, the more details i pick out. For example, are those rubber road cones on Hughie X’s shoulders? OH.. and yeah, the strip needs more boobies like Miss Buxley. Golly I miss her boobies.
If the arm is booby trapped, can someone remind me how his arm was removed by the Sydicate earlier?
Glad to have the update. I was also happy that Snoopy made the top of the list as the most memorable dog in media.
@Loudmouth: Crokk ordered him to disarm, so it was disconnected voluntarily, and the command fiber was not severed.
captcha gang: chaotic 30
Always nice to have a dog for backup!
-Wow, going from bodyguard/ soldier to comm tech. Talk about a free-fall in status!
@JY –
(Not that I’m expecting an answer this side of the Last War…)
I’ve noticed the sometimes vast differences in the styles of the Peanuts panels that accompany your strips. I can see some of it is from the older, earlier Schultz style, but some doesn’t seem to fit at all. Apparently some other peoples’ work. Where do all of these panels come from?
Because, y’know, these things fascinate me.
I’m not a robot. ddoes Faxam!