Until I read the tags, I had no idea that the spider-critters were actually the rabbit and groundhog from “Bloom County.” I guess the hole they’re climbing out of is Steve Dallas’ bomb shelter. Makes me wonder if Oliver Wendell Jones will make an appearance, to avenge his beloved Banana.
Let’s see…. out of one of my favorite comics, Opus is in a vat, Binkley and Milo are headless, Cutter John is dead, Hodge-Podge and Portnoy are mutants, Bill is crazy… (groan)
Seein’ yer enemy doge a barrage of bullets from a SAW (squad automatic weapon) could be particularly disheartening! Seeing him do it to a James Brown dance would really boot the old ticker right in the jollies!!
Dodging bullets at 78 RPM, hm?
Awesome way of incorporating Cal.V1ns dance moves.
Captcha says: but domslad
Until I read the tags, I had no idea that the spider-critters were actually the rabbit and groundhog from “Bloom County.” I guess the hole they’re climbing out of is Steve Dallas’ bomb shelter. Makes me wonder if Oliver Wendell Jones will make an appearance, to avenge his beloved Banana.
BTW, I thought that CALv1N had killed Prepé; who’s he talking to? Is HOBS at the other end, playing soldier?
–The words by which Captcha lives: never quentraw.
That’s awesome. Calvin’s dancing moves. Unreal Jason, so incredibly awesome
Bomb shelter? Geez, I thought it was some kind of particularly sick clam at first.
And here I thought Hodge and Portnoy were some kind of mutant pugs. (Which makes me wonder if the Basselope is going to show up.)
re Sherlock: I think Cal was just imagining Prepé as a gibbering pile of whatsit. I won’t be surprised if he kills him later, though.
Cal didn’t kill Prepé. He imagined he killed him.
Is… is it wrong that I thought that was totally adorable?
Calvin…he’s got soul! He’s super bad!
Mercy buckets, everyone. Your praise is the gravy on the meatloaf of my life.
@Brandi — The Basselope has already showed up in the kennels where Dagwood was keeping Snoop and assorted other cartoon canines. Very brief cameo, but that’s where he is.
Couldn’t help but remember the late Dr. Van Pelt when I saw this:
Let’s see…. out of one of my favorite comics, Opus is in a vat, Binkley and Milo are headless, Cutter John is dead, Hodge-Podge and Portnoy are mutants, Bill is crazy… (groan)
I’d hate to see what you did to Steve Dallas.
I’m wondering if Curtis is going to make an appearance. And what about the Non Sequitor cast like Obvious Man?
Seein’ yer enemy doge a barrage of bullets from a SAW (squad automatic weapon) could be particularly disheartening! Seeing him do it to a James Brown dance would really boot the old ticker right in the jollies!!
Given the way C.A.L. was smirking while doing his twirl and said "watch me!" … was that an homage to The mask, JY?Apropos, if it was …
JY: I don’t do “homages” like some common Seth McFarlane! You don’t get me at all.
I like how Hodge-Podge partly resembles the “Frank” mask from Donnie Darko.