That looks like Mark Slackenmeyer’s nose and stache but the chin and head shape is more Zonker Harris. (Have we seen Zonker yet? As an icon he should get a major role.)
Ooh, perhaps he could be sliced in twain, right down the middle? Not very creative, but always a crowd pleaser; especially when it takes a few moments for them to realize what happened.
You could make a one-shot side-gag, where the little black girl (whom the strip’s white male creator seems to think offsets his blatant inherent racism) and her coyote friend try to pick a fight with Chuck and Cal only for both of them to get blasted into picaninny McNuggets without even being given a second glance.
how long till the two meet?
Is that Bernie in the background?
That looks like Mark Slackenmeyer’s nose and stache but the chin and head shape is more Zonker Harris. (Have we seen Zonker yet? As an icon he should get a major role.)
Ohhh Annie has her arm on Chuck…this will not end well.
Like JY needs cool points or anything, but +1000 for the Ron Headreat cameo.
Captcha: Perhaps describing Huey’s undies in the above strip: piessil cotton
It looks like Annie’s looking at Chuck. Did he give it to her so hard her eyes are working?
I think that’s supposed to be Mallard Fillmore’s boss, the strawman that makes Tinsley’s otherwise insipid blatherings seem infinitessimally credible.
On that note… When are you going to give Prickly City the skewering it so richly deserves?
Alex, Ploobis-
Yes, that is Mallard’s boss. Care to throw out suggestions about how horribly he should die?
Prickly City… must think. I haven’t planned any gags beyond making Prickly City a spot on a map
“Hark!” shouted Lord Captcha “Is that Arthur Yonder?”
Ooh, perhaps he could be sliced in twain, right down the middle? Not very creative, but always a crowd pleaser; especially when it takes a few moments for them to realize what happened.
So badass.
Why should Mr. Noseworthy suffer the horrible death? Hasn’t he suffered enough as the maligned liberal in a crappy right-wing comic?
You could make a one-shot side-gag, where the little black girl (whom the strip’s white male creator seems to think offsets his blatant inherent racism) and her coyote friend try to pick a fight with Chuck and Cal only for both of them to get blasted into picaninny McNuggets without even being given a second glance.
His entire right side should be vaporized, so that he leans distinctly to the left.
Captcha: “Who ees thees Thomas posson? Apposson doubting?”
Chuck said the truest words in life!
Chuck ain’t dead yet, Dragon. I reckon he has more wisdoms to spout before it’s all said and done!