Weapon Brown 231 by JY on February 26, 2014 at 12:00 am Chapter: 10 Keepsies └ Tags: Barfy, Basselope, Brother!, CAL-v1N, Calvin, Charlie Brown, Chuck, Farley, Fred Basset, Hobbes, Marmaduke, Oh, Poncho, Pooch Cafe, Red, Rosebud, Rover, Snoop, Snoopy
F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5………
Captcha is reporting on Jason’s true feelings: Affection, Iceisle
@C.B. – Nastily mutated Bucky already made an appearance. http://www.whatisdeepfried.com/2009/02/13/weapon-brown-55/
Oh! So he did! Now I even remember the strip. 🙂
Good catch, Mage.
What, no Satchel?
That’s not nasty mutated Bucky. That’s Bill the Cat from Berke Breathed’s “Bloom County.” Is the Jackalope from Bloom County too?
@Katy – Um, there’s three cats in that page: Bill, Heathcliff, and Bucky. And it’s the Basselope from Bloom County.
It’s a doggy dog world after all.
and where is Earnerc? Captcha assures Confirmed Earnerc!
Who let the dogs out?! WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF!
JY: I’m afraid I will have to dock you five points for that dated reference. Turn and face the wall.
Hell hath no fury like a Basselope scorned.
He’s here to gather dandelion pollen and to kick ass. And he is all out of dandelion pollen.