Definitely worth the one week wait!
@ JY: Each page is like an Episode of 24, a cliff hanger until the following weeks installment. Pure undistilled awesomeness!!
Captcha is saddened by Marmadukes death…. Porregar loss
Captcha is oozing something disgusting, and then shipped it on a plane to an exotic destination. Now it is up to the courageous young pilot to land paturhea.
@Destruya: If she could actually triangulate on the target, yeah, a thrust makes sense. If she’s just got a general “Annie-vision” sense of his location, the slice is more likely to connect. (‘Sides, we get a better visual this way.)
Actually, for a blind person slicing is perfectly normal. A thrust without knowing how far away someone is might cause you to push too far and make yourself off balance, or not thrust far enough to be able to pull through. Although Anne made the mistake of following through too far, and not pulling the blade back quickly enough to block or setup for a new attack.
Captcha is afraid of the new Mac “virus” and is trying a new OS:
systema erentrox
Having done a little training in classic weapons, Annie did the best move for her. Covers more area and gives a better chance of contact, especially since her opponent wasn’t in a blocking position. A thrust, when not able to precisely position the attack, might make good contact and will do more damage, also has a bigger chance of missing as well. She took the best chance of hitting and doing damage. Which also proves that Cal is not invincible. Also gives a rallying hit for her own side. Also the expression on her face in panel one is to die for.
Look! Anne didnt die!
…yet. ¬¬
That second to last pose. The robot arm. SO. MANLY.
reCAPTCHA’s getting pushy. it -forbids formanki-.
oh shit. cal blasted marmiduke. the biggest dog of them all
Nothing like the hero shoving a blind girl down a set of stairs…
One can only hope that blade is poisoned or something.
Seriously, though – she gets the drop and SLICES instead of thrusts?
Beat him Chuck, kick him …..
The gun’s sound effect cracked me up.
I don’t remember Paper airplanes being so prominant in Calvin and Hobbes, let alone his weapon.
Spaceman Spiff FTW
Definitely worth the one week wait!
@ JY: Each page is like an Episode of 24, a cliff hanger until the following weeks installment. Pure undistilled awesomeness!!
Captcha is saddened by Marmadukes death…. Porregar loss
pps…. Forgot to add: I like the “Miller-esque” look of Cal V1.n’s arm in the last panel.
Egad! Deadly frap ray! Set on “well done”! EEE!
Captcha is oozing something disgusting, and then shipped it on a plane to an exotic destination. Now it is up to the courageous young pilot to land paturhea.
“…she gets the drop and SLICES instead of thrusts?”
Yeah, my thought exactly, right after ANN-IE! ANN-IE! ANN-IE! with fist pumping or whatever it is.
Chuck might not love her, but he sure cares about her.
Ah, Marmaduke, RIP. Not that he probably noticed, but he saved WB and Anne with his sacrifice. Um…where’s Snoop?
@Destruya: If she could actually triangulate on the target, yeah, a thrust makes sense. If she’s just got a general “Annie-vision” sense of his location, the slice is more likely to connect. (‘Sides, we get a better visual this way.)
I did originally choreograph a thrusting attack for Anne, using her bald stand-in…
(It didn’t turn out well.)
Actually, for a blind person slicing is perfectly normal. A thrust without knowing how far away someone is might cause you to push too far and make yourself off balance, or not thrust far enough to be able to pull through. Although Anne made the mistake of following through too far, and not pulling the blade back quickly enough to block or setup for a new attack.
Captcha is afraid of the new Mac “virus” and is trying a new OS:
systema erentrox
This page is one of the most badass things I’ve seen in a long time. EVERY. SINGLE. PANEL.
Having done a little training in classic weapons, Annie did the best move for her. Covers more area and gives a better chance of contact, especially since her opponent wasn’t in a blocking position. A thrust, when not able to precisely position the attack, might make good contact and will do more damage, also has a bigger chance of missing as well. She took the best chance of hitting and doing damage. Which also proves that Cal is not invincible. Also gives a rallying hit for her own side. Also the expression on her face in panel one is to die for.
@ Ginger –> My guess is he’s latched onto Hobbes’ neck and holding on for dear life…or Hobbes’ death
The one per week wait is absolutely worth it. Also, I really hope CAL doesn’t die; I’d love for it to end in some sort of Joker/Batman type thing.
Poor Marmaduke. He was pretty awesome. Snoop chewed him up, but Marmaduke still worked with him when it counted.
y’know, Chuck’s really got a pretty nice-looking foot there.
is it a week yet?