AH finally, We are caught up to where me came in on Chuck in the Air Duct. I cant wait for thr new Pain to begin. Captcha is a UPS or UHAUL fan… Company ofaBox
Yeah, we back to the beginning of the arc, I reckon…and though I just managed to scrape together the blood, sweat and tears (no other bodily fluids accepted) to purchase BW#4, I feel the runup to BW#5 approaching soon
Not a complaint, just an observation
Captcha is seeing another webcomic I frequent: good, sedkeda
“Torso ball”? Bah, now you’re just making it up as you go along.
I see we’re mixin’ up Calvinball’s rules around.
“If the torso flies more than ten feet off a single grenade detonation you’re allowed to use your airplane gun.”
Hopefully Chuck will get his full length back now.
AH finally, We are caught up to where me came in on Chuck in the Air Duct. I cant wait for thr new Pain to begin. Captcha is a UPS or UHAUL fan… Company ofaBox
The only rule to Calvinball was that you can’t play it the same way twice.
@Marlowe: +1M
Yeah, we back to the beginning of the arc, I reckon…and though I just managed to scrape together the blood, sweat and tears (no other bodily fluids accepted) to purchase BW#4, I feel the runup to BW#5 approaching soon
Not a complaint, just an observation
Captcha is seeing another webcomic I frequent: good, sedkeda
here we see chuck exercising the better part of valor
Shouldn’t that more properly be called,'”Torso-BALLS?”
( You’ll figger it out in second or two )
C’mon Pops; bring the noise…
HOLY CRAP I just realized the Peanuts panels have HILARIOUS ALT/TITLE TEXT.
I guess this means I have to go back and read all the strips again.
Paper (airplane) cuts are the worst…
Hey, guess who’s a Weapon Brown fan:
Look at the shelf.
Bahahaha, love the spiffs
@ Jorpho
“HOLY CRAP I just realized the Peanuts panels have HILARIOUS ALT/TITLE TEXT.”
How do you read the alternate text in the Peanuts cartoons?
@ Eddiejc1
Hover your cursor over them!
Wasn’t Calvin awful at baseball? Hobbes was the one who was good at it.
YER OUT !! Let’s play torso ball, I’m getting bored with playing tennis with hand grenades!
Now that wasn’t very funky.