CAL just turned into Gumby, dammit. That’s a hell of a bend.
Anne should have gone for a single-stick eskrima move. Faked to the head and twisted it into a nutshot.
I’ve done that move. It’s a thing of beauty.
There. I’ve done it again. I’ve gone and read the entire series from the beginning, all in one sitting. It’s like a damn movie, but a movie that improves every week.
It’s a dichotomy: I can’t wait for more, yet I dread approaching the end.
I guess I want it to continue until my convenient demise! (if that can be scheduled)
I find myself wondering if Cal will let her live because she at least surprised him, and may possibly put up a better fight than he’s had in a while. GRRRRRR!!
@Baughbe Yes, I’d almost forgotten. Where is the Ghost who Walks? I was expecting a climactic scene with Chuck, Hughie, and Anne combining forces to defeat Cal. But we’ve still got to settle Walker, and that may take some time. What role will he play?
And now’s when I turn into Mr.Blond.
Chuck and Hughie better fuckin’ HURRY. CAL has a tendency to play with his food, and he doesn’t play nice…
I sense a climax coming. And not mine.
!!!! Satisfaction etellu!
This is gonna turn crazy as hell !!
Cal’s right about one thing:
Anne does have nice ears.
oo, but head-butting the blind woman? Classless.
CAL just turned into Gumby, dammit. That’s a hell of a bend.
Anne should have gone for a single-stick eskrima move. Faked to the head and twisted it into a nutshot.
I’ve done that move. It’s a thing of beauty.
Captcha is convinced there are strket factors.
Nooooooooooooooooo! Oh no! Where’s Snoop? Or anyone! Thanks, Jason, I’m going to be an emotional wreck for a while. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Isn’t it time for the Zombie Apocalypso?
The head butt (or was it the butt head?) reminded me.
Anne would last longer than any other woman, because she can’t look him in the eyes.
…even I couldn’t have heard me sneaking up on myself…wow, Calvin isn’t exactly a Wordsworth. Then again, he makes up for it in other areas.
Captcha agrees, and wants me to mention “and cifeen.” A sound point.
How I love the breakneck speed with which this story lurches forward!
There. I’ve done it again. I’ve gone and read the entire series from the beginning, all in one sitting. It’s like a damn movie, but a movie that improves every week.
It’s a dichotomy: I can’t wait for more, yet I dread approaching the end.
I guess I want it to continue until my convenient demise! (if that can be scheduled)
I find myself wondering if Cal will let her live because she at least surprised him, and may possibly put up a better fight than he’s had in a while. GRRRRRR!!
@Baughbe Yes, I’d almost forgotten. Where is the Ghost who Walks? I was expecting a climactic scene with Chuck, Hughie, and Anne combining forces to defeat Cal. But we’ve still got to settle Walker, and that may take some time. What role will he play?
My theory on ‘The Walker’ is that’s how they’re going to *finally* manage to hold Cal still long enough to get a shot off.
and, in other news, this should warm the festering, swollen cockles of your heart.
V- You BASTARD!! Did you really think that would make me feel good??
Tom Wilson’s death, on the other hand– that was like a thousand Christmases!
Captcha ancient Olmec god of war: Romigog Principes
Does Cal have two weapons or does he quicly swap the weapon to other side in his belt?
@st He has two pistols. He dual-wields.
He limbos and slam-dances! CAL would be quite the socialite if it wasn’t for that hobby of killing folks. (Ted Bundy had the same problem…)
A woman after my own heart. Right after she finishes eating CAL’s.