Weapon Brown 280
5/24 The update below is from the first run of this strip, but it’s so darn funny you deserve it again!
UPDATE: 1/4/12
WHAT?? You want a goddamn new strip?? Haven’t I given you enough in the past bazillion years?? Can’t I have 2012 all to myself to work on my novel about a Portuguese fishmonger whose father is killed while serving as ambassador to Prussia in 1796 Â who must then reconcile with his icy stepmother if he is to receive his inheritance, a brass urn once used as a chamber pot by Peter the Great??
Okay, I admit I have been slack, but at least you all have diagnosed the problem: those hellish and distracting holidays. I am hard at work right now on this week’s update, and will be back on schedule next week with my twice weekly updates.
Also, tomorrow I will post a prospectus on all that I will be bringing you in the New Year. Stop celebrating the decline of the Republican Party and come back then!
Last page, I was like: “NOOOOOOOOOOOOO ANNIE!”
This page, I stood up outta my chair and fistpumped.
That’s CAL’s foot, right? Last panel. Chuck’s gonna grab his foot, yeah.
There’s still hope for Annie, even in this Grim ‘n Gritty (TM) wasteland.
The question still lingers– did Gramps make any improvements to Ol’ Sparky?
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Single-Mode dolicks
Heeeeeere’s Charlie!
Wow I didn’t expect this actually! How exciting!
KRUNK should be tagged
J sure knows how to pick the Peanuts strips! Annie ain’t dead yet.
Still though, from below?
health mytica
Ooo, yeah. Annie is what Spencer Tracy would have called “Choice.” She’s got no fear. Maybe once you truly conquer your fear of the dark, the rest of the horror show doesn’t present as much of a challenge.
Rock on.
All us comic nerds who’ve read the classic ‘The Dark Knight Returns’ know that WB’s next line must be: “Welcome to Hell.”
Followed by a merciless ass beating.
I’m imagining/expecting a long fall down an elevator shaft and a massive fight in close quarters, followed by lots of smashing through walls.
and blood. lots of blood.
Nice move, JY. Chuck uses his brain and his brawn, that’s his edge. But please, Chuck, listen to me this time, don’t let go!
Get Rid Of Slimy girlS
oh, my.
I’d hate to see somebody’s leg get pulled clean off, even in a comic.
[captcha foresees another one of those entldy incidents.]
Cal, word of advice. Might want to check your rear-view mirror, the one that says at the bottom, “Objects In Mirror Are More Likely To Fuck You Up Than They Appear”.
That’s Chuck’s face.
Captcha says that mirror’s special reflective properties is based on the “byhavo effect”.
Niiiice. I was dreading a prolonged scene with Cal monologuing over Annie on the roof as Chuck desperately fights his way up.
Is that supposed to be Cal’s line in panel 5?
Josh- Nope. That’s Anne’s (see the balloon tail?).
Surprises around every turn, and no slow moments; that’s the way to keep us coming, JY. (Read that last part any way you like.)
— rshalloy OR
Pop Quiz, You’ve got a psycho in an elevator with a hostage, your backup is bouncing around from recoil effects of your gun you lent him, which means you have neither gun nor backup. What do you do?
Capcha: An emu is pretending to greet you from the side.
Hopefully Chuck wins the day because, According to Captcha, I saved energy by turning off my household wellMe
JV, after all this time, CAL still hates girls?
@ Baughbe
You turn him inside out like one of those paper “fortune teller things” just for shits and giggles.
Alls I have to say is if he grabs a hold of Cal, he’d better not let go this time. Just keep bashing and breaking stuff.
Captcha portent: Wolloys findings
Aww damn, I got beaten to it.
krunk that!
where did the Xmas special went? it’s no longer at archive :O it’s gone that beatiful piece of art
@Mike T: Go to the Store and purchase the original Weapon Brown comic, it is there in all its inky drawn glory and will never go away (unless your Mom sells your comics while you’re at school LOL j/k)
” A Weapon Brown Christmas”, like Christmas itself, has come and gone. But it will return next Christmas for you to read. Or else you could take Punx’s extremely sage advice (your check is in the mail, Punx. Why don’t you use PayPal? Are you Amish?)
My financial advisor Maury Captcha recommends I invest in Dolobi Metals
“SIGH. I just don’t know what guys see in you slits…”
Has CALs sexuality just been established?
Aw heck. Please disregard my last question before I get schooled in C&H lore…
Sir, in lieu of a check, why don’t you send me a Dirty Blonde print?
punx: I’ve already purchased 3 Megaton Packs to help spread the Chucky goodness. PayPal is great, you Luddite!
In the meantime, (Val, unblishes.
Look out Weapon Brown! Cal has a biological weapon in his pants exactly for attacks like yours! you should never surprise him from below, or he’ll blind you like a skunk!
….oh wait, no i think that’s just cal shitting himself. i thought for a second there we’d have to retire ol’ weapon Brown in captcha’s famous rewshol habitat.
Hate to be the ocd guy, but small continuity error; previous strip, elevator door is two doors meeting in the centre, this strip, door closes to the right.
JY sez: Wrong! There are two sliding doors, inner and outer, which overlap and close from different directions.
My least favorite thing about Holiday seasons is irregular Weapon Brown updates…. I miss Monday/Thursday =(
My wife says that Christmas holidays are over so it is time to update this fantastic, modern, and exceptionally mind-#*%$ web-comic was updated.
Has CALs sexuality just been established?
I remember a strip where he said something to the effect of getting an orgasm when he kills, so I suspect he’s been neurologically rewired for improved killfrenzy.
2012: NDIGIOU COMES, according to Captcha.
On a personal note, as awesome as Weapon Brown is, I would totally never read the fishmonger novel. Not unless that brass urn was small, primitive nuclear device.
Oh shit…did I just give away the next Dan Brown novel? Captcha seems to think so, as it’s referring me to the book of wslend Ecclefiaftes.
So, now yer working on that novel that ya mentioned, right? Ya taking orders now?