Weapon Brown 338
The end is near! Forget the economy! Forget ISIS! Don’t even worry about that homeless guy crawling through your basement window with a bloody golf club! The climax of world history takes place this Friday in the form of the chunktastic Weapon Brown finale! Set your clocks! Stock up on your heroin! You don’t want to out wandering beneath an overpass trying to score a fix when this cartoon breaks!
Don’t do it, Chuck.
JY: Thanks for this epic, it’s been a great ride.
Chuck, after breaking our fucking hearts the last few updates, you simply must go and give the Syndicate everything they damn well deserve, it is demanded!
I’m guessing that CHuck’s not talking to himself – that there’s someone in the passenger seat.
Wait.. what? Finale? As in ENDING?!?
What about the Syndicate? When are they going to get vengeance rained down upon them by Weapon Brown? WB over?!?
Hopefully just the end of Blockhead’s War. Mayhaps, in the future, another WB series may be penned that will finally see the Syndicate getting what they deserve.
As an aside, I was surprised to see WB up today, and not Clarissa Ruins Thanksgiving.
JY: Oh… my years long tradition? Thanks for the reminder!
Goin’ out Big Daddy style! Pity Chuck’s cars don’t tend to last long. It’s gonna be a wild trip!
Maleketh: My money’s on Pops…
After what he went through during the CAL-amity (bad pun, sue me and fuck you LOL), he has nothing left to be there for, with his goil moidered, and we saw what kind of berserker rage he has in him, maybe he wants to takes the fight to them poissonally….:)
I always love the clarissa comics. No idea why.
Quick! Post another political rant while the audience is still captivated!
You know you want to.
fuck you JY. Only 2 more strips?
What about Chuck deciding to take down the syndicate and then joining up again with Snoopy. You can’t end this now. Fuck you.
Great strip though.
I know comics, and this was the best one I ever read.
J.L. You delicious hunk of man. You’ve been fiddling with your pen again.
You went and drew hook-like features on Chuck’s mechanical arm, when they weren’t there previously. I get that its your creation, and you can jolly well do what you like. So why do this on the nest to last page?
No bet on the passenger. I can’t think of any toon, nearly as cool as Pops, what ain’t dead yet.
JY: I may have slightly exaggerated those elbow hooks, but they have been there since the new arm debuted: http://www.whatisdeepfried.com/2011/09/22/weapon-brown-259/
Chuck is *not* talking to himself. Keep those guesses coming!
Like Maleketh, I wonder if he’s talking to someone in the passenger seat, rather than to himself.
Who’s in the passenger seat? Unlikely guess, I know…but I don’t recall, have we ever seen Woodstock?
I agree with Maleketh; my bet, like punx’s, is on Pops…
But, I also was so sure that the carnivorous Kudzu was introduced to be part of Cal’s demise
@jb00tyslapper: Way back in A Peanut Scorned…DOA.
I don’t know how somany people are getting the idea that there are only two strips left. JY said “concluding pages”, as in plural, and the word “finale” doesn’t imply any specific quantity. It could be a single page, or an entire chapter.
Chuck could be talking to himself (he doesn’t really *want* to leave, after all), but if he’s not then I’m going to have to go along with everyone else and guess Pops too. Captcha agrees that if they team up they’ll be a powerful biosca.
I think it is pops. He has nothing to lose at this point. Going to take them (the syndicate) down together.
I read Lord ValdeBluth’s comment more as he’s dedicating all of next week to finishing off the story proper and then doling it out on the regular M/Th update schedule starting next next week….also ensuring the tale to be finished just in time for the Mayan Apocalypse, coincidentally. 😉
JY: Chuck is *not* talking to himself. Keep those guesses coming!
Hate you, sir. 🙂
Since you acknowledge, but in no way confirm, the guesses, I know not whether to believe we are dead wrong or right on, and you said it that way on purpose, you BASTARD!!!! ;”)
It would be a bit curious for Chuck to turn his back on a delicious piece like Anne and subsequently drive off into the sunset with a guy …
… Another red-headed girl toon — Brenda Starr.
I also think Chuck is talking to Pops… or maybe Riley. Both have lost pretty much everything that kept them there. However, in regards to Pops, wouldn’t his leaving have the survivors virtually defenseless (Snoop aside)? He’s one of the few heavy hitters Anne has left. Ah well. Can’t wait to find out how this beauty wraps up. Hope for a last-minute slew of further comic strip cameos! 🙂
Mitt Romney? Hes talking to Mitt. Jy drew a cameo.
Chucks gonna punch it and take the car over a cliff Thelma & Louise style.
The end.
As much as I’d love for it to be Pops, I’m also thinking Riley. He can sort of repair Chuck’s arm, so he’d be useful on the road.
Assuming they survive whatever Chuck has planned, that is. 🙂
I don’t know about anyone else, but to me the to end this is Chuck and company riding off to take care of The Syndicate once and for all.
The surviving bigwigs of The Syndicate are at the now abandoned base where the Schmoo was made. They are exploring it, thankful that even though Cal is gone, at least he won’t come back to bite them on the ass like Chuck. Plus, look at all this wartime gene-splicing tech lying around to be utilized. Heck, they might be able to find a way to recreate the Garf and make a fortune off of it. By the way, what is with these plants all over the place, they wonder. They look strangely… hungry.
And Chekov’s gun gets fired in grand justice-meeting style.
Hey, why not?
Am I the only one who is disturbed by the possibility of Chuck forgoing the delights of the curvaceous Anne to instead partner with another testosterone-laden he-man? JY, what sort of readership do you have here?
It’s nice so see a reminder of what lies past the end of Weapon Brown – perhaps more Clarissa or Beepo… 😀
Suddenly, the future doesn’t seem quite so bleak.
huh. I didn’t know about the Orbitron.
Because the car’s so cool, I won’t call Mr. Yungbluth (if that is his real name) a ‘ratfink’ for stopping (suspending?) this obsession of many years.
By my count, this chapter is something like 21 pages long so far and the previous one some number more than possibly 25 that I kind of potheadedly lost track of…but still, anyway, my point being: only a couple-few more pages will fit into a comicbook (they do get published in hardcopy realcomix form, and you should buy them!). It’s almost over.
Chuck’s talking to…hmm…We saw him take his leave from both Pops and Riley, and there was no clue of an understanding there (although it’s true that neither may feel he has anything to lose at this point; on the the other hand Pops is too devoted to Anne to leave it seems to me, and WB doesn’t seem to like Riley much). Um.
Zonker Harris?
The innocent protege from Number 216. His family has been wasted, so there’s nothing left for him anymore.
Jeffy Keane.
I’m expecting the car to blow up.
Damn, yer good! I took a look at this on my buddy’s 22″ screen to see if I could identify the figure reflected in Chuck’s eyes. Still no clue though this person seems to have a roundish head. Riley? Jeff (of Family Circus)? The ear of the Rat Fink?
Yer killin’ us!
Or it could be X?
Captcha: ugaril accomplished. What evil have our comments being creating, sir?
Could be Hilda. He’ll need magical backup to face the Wizard of Id.
I *LOVE* that the headrest on the driver’s seat looks like a football.
Well done.
JY: It’s about time someone started noticing my cute little motherfucking touches!!
Looking at the reflection in Chuck’s shoulder in panel 3, I was thinking Krazy Kat, but I seem to recall seeing his/her skeleton in the desert way back in the early strips.
— ReCaptcha got slapped because he just can’t stop touching her ionsnsfa.
Woodstock or his identical twin nestling got ‘et by Snoop back in “A Peanut Scorned.”
@quarktime: Hilda and the Wizard of Id are both gone… they fried each other, which led to the creation of the Walker…
Jeffy is my guess as to the passenger… The Syndicate was directly responsible for the death of his family, and he witnessed it… I can see him ‘needing this’.
I’ll wager it’s Annie and Snoop. Chuck couldn’t resist a united front.
Friday, November 7th? Did I miss the Finale?
JY: Oops! Forgot what month I was in. All Doctor Who “timey wimey stuff” thinkin’. Lemee just fix that up…
Dude, if this is just a two panel splash page of that ratrod driving into the sunset i’m gonna be PISSSSSSSSEDDDDDDDD.
Tom: you know better than to doubt our lord and master, the Mighty Yungbluth! No doubt the final pages of Blockhead’s War will give all of us eyegasms! (which is what you call it when you weep from TOTAL AWESOMENESS.)
how appropriate for the finale. Dec 7 the day that will live in infamy now for 2 epic reasons. ( day the japanese bombed pearl harbour for those unfamiliar with American history)