The cool, well groomed young men at the Comic Book Noise podcast have featured me in their Indie Noise segment. Prick up your ears and listen to my custom-designed self promotion 25 minutes into their program (okay, listen to the whole thing, but pay special attention at minute 25). By the way, that music is “Forever Heavy” by Black Moth Super Rainbow.
Thursday, speaking at the George Bush Presidential Library, Mitt Romney–governor, billionaire, Mormon– took the lectern and assured a confused Christian Republican base that although we may wear different underwear, Christ alone girds our loins.
“Today, I wish to address a topic which I believe is fundamental to America’s greatness: our religious liberty. I will also offer perspectives on how my own faith would inform my Presidency, if I were elected.”
What followed, in what was promoted as Romney’s “Kennedy speech” (referring to John F. Kennedy’s 1960 address clarifying where his Catholicism ended and his own mind began) did anything but illuminate the particulars of Romney’s sect. It did, however, make quite clear how religion itself will influence his presidency. Lest anyone think that seven years of having a born-again Christophile at the wheel of power had sobered our nation’s oligarchs, Romney left no doubt that America’s holiest days were still to come.
“There are some who may feel that religion is not a matter to be seriously considered in the context of the weighty threats that face us,” spake the Chiseled One. “If so, they are at odds with the nation’s founders, for they, when our nation faced its greatest peril, sought the blessings of the Creator.”
Compare these sentiments to Kennedy’s, who in his speech said:
“While the so-called religious issue is necessarily and properly the chief topic here tonight, I want to emphasize from the outset that we have far more critical issues to face in the 1960 election; the spread of Communist influence, until it now festers 90 miles off the coast of Florida–the humiliating treatment of our President and Vice President by those who no longer respect our power–the hungry children I saw in West Virginia, the old people who cannot pay their doctor bills, the families forced to give up their farms–an America with too many slums, with too few schools, and too late to the moon and outer space.”
Quite the contrast. With Kennedy, matters of religion were a distraction from communism, poverty and America’s future in outer space. With Romney, it is distraction from religion which looms dark on our horizon . It is not hard to see that, pledges of being autonomous from Church prophets notwithstanding, things like space exploration would probably not rank high for a president who would first ask if the moon had enough gravity to make kneeling possible.
Romney waved off any notion of going into the heretical nitty-gritty of Mormonism by saying such would amount to a “religious test” and that “no candidate should become the spokesman for his faith.” But he had already agreed to such a test moments earlier when he said: “What do I believe about Jesus Christ? I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of mankind.” Is he not speaking for his faith when he declares Jesus to be overlord of humanity’s soul?
Of course he is! Romney simply elucidated what his faith has in common with the rest of America’s batshit believers. It is only where his faith diverges and takes a path through Polygamyland and the Valley of the Cursed Negro that the religious question suddenly turns into an SAT.
Romney went on to compliment the dimples on the cheeks of every faith in America he could think of, none of which would pass the absurdity test any better than his own (so back off, Seventh Day Adventists!) and reminded his audience that America’s steeples are pointed to the source of all life’s blessings…the Sun. No, wait! Heaven! Where God lives! In the sky, with the Sun! (It’s like His lava lamp.)
Having established his bona fides with his audience, Romney then lined up their common enemy in his sights: skeptics, AKA, “secularists”.
“They seek to remove from the public domain any acknowledgment of God. Religion is seen as merely a private affair with no place in public life. It is as if they are intent on establishing a new religion in America – the religion of secularism. They are wrong.”
It is a curious thing, this attempt (hardly new) to yoke free-thinking Americans with the same slave collar of “religion” that the faithful proudly display as though they were sporting silk ties. As a firm believer in our nation’s secular roots, I don’t recall ever trying to convince myself that a glass of burgundy was magic carpenter’s blood, nor have I ever participated in a cross-country caravan to set up a desert settlement where I could marry as many teenage virgins as their fathers would sell me. But if refusing to participate in a collective effort to stick an imaginary police officer in my head qualifies as religion…
Waitaminit! It’s still not religion, you fuck! But this is the deadening of thought that religion itself brings: the inability to think outside of your faith, the conflation of free inquiry with dogma, until finally you are spouting Oceanic gibberish such as Romney did when he said “freedom requires religion just as religion requires freedom.” This is the nation Romney sees himself leading, one where “freedom” means coughing up new contagious fallacies to infect the mind and keep it lumpen, not as an inexorable drive to slip the shackles of ignorance, of subverting the lockstep belief in the unjustifiable to create a society based on reason.
Romney’s speech did not materialize out of nowhere. Had he his druthers you would know nothing more about Mormons than that they have a kick-ass choir. Indeed, his speech discloses far less than even that. But Mitt Romney is at pains to clarify why his religion should not be considered a kookfest, and why he alone is the rightful heir to the Southern Strategy and not Republican insurgent Mike “faith is my life”Huckabee, who bluntly states that he recognizes no demarcation between religion and politics. That Huckabee is not already seen as far outside our country’s norms only goes to prove that America will embrace any lunacy, only pausing to consider if it was revealed by a leprechaun or a gingerbread man.
The address was heavy on quotations from our Constitution’s fathers who, far from endorsing the intellectual convictions of the fathers of our bible, are today considered wise only because they broke from the tribalism and dogma which preceded our civilization. Those qualities we consider most sacred in our culture and in our law–equal rights for all, regardless of religion, gender or race–are principles which are despised (one or more) by every faith Romney singled out for praise, his own being a chief offender. That Mitt Romney should be allowed to hold the highest office in the land while worshiping under such a creed should be laughable, except that every President of this country has been given a similar pass, so long as they did not attempt to justify their hypocrisy at the expense of another’s. This is the omertà of American politics.
With Mitt Romney racing to prove that he will get coat hangers into the uteri of poor women faster than the next leading snake-handler, you should thank Zeus, DNA or whoever you think is running the great cosmic carnival that history spit forth the great secular minds who wrote the laws and promulgated the apostasy’s that allow a man like Mitt Romney to even make a claim to the mantle of leadership of the United States. And you should embrace also the responsibility that comes with the knowledge that this right flows not from any Deity who today presides over a world of disease, totalitarianism and genocide without moving one atom to end any of it, but from the American people, who still hold in their breast the belief that merit, not wealth, blood or faith–or the having of it– is the criteria by which a man comes to command a free people.
Looky! Jazma Online has an interview with me. I seem to remember them doing an interview with me back when I began this site in 2000. Am I in a wormhole or something?
The mist clings to the ground, obscuring the glistening, bony ribs of the cave floor. Condensation forms inside your space helmet as your breathing quickens. No one on the skyhook attached to the surface above you has ever descended this deep into the Internet.
No one dared.
Suddenly, a gust of air from deep in the cavern scatters the mist (is it air? Your wrist analyzer isn’t working. Something about the minerals in the cave walls). Rows of slick, ovoid shapes appear. Some sort of stalagmites, or…
No, these aren’t natural. Their surfaces are…odd. Like spongy leather. And unless your eyes are deceiving you, that one just pulsed.
There’s no denying it. Egg sacs! There must be hundreds of them! But the terraforming conglom swore that this region of cyberspace was devoid of life. It’s the find of two millenniums!
You bend over to examine the pod closest to you. There appears to be a crescent shaped orifice at the top. A sealed slit with spiny hairs protruding from it. From the top down, the egg sac looks like a closed eye.
The eye opens.
You are thrown backwards, as if a cannon shell has struck your face. Why is it dark? What is that creaking sound? You feel your helmet…something is there! Attached! Gripping the visor! That sound is the plastic slowly splitting. You can feel the thing thrusting obscenely, trying to force something sharp through the visor. You grab at the creature…it grabs also! Legs or tentacles on its back intertwine with your fingers, breaking one, then another. You pull back your hand in agony. The thrusting continues.
A sharp crack, like breaking ice. The atmosphere outside the suit (or is it the creature’s breath?) fills your nostrils with the smell of Listerine and engine oil. It’s in! Unseen, only felt: a spiny, snaking tendril, looking for–then finding–your mouth.
And then…Oh God! It’s down your throat! DEEP FRIED’S OVIPOSITOR IS DOWN YOUR THROAT!!!
Welcome back to web comics’ dark little secret! God, how I’ve missed you.
So, do you like what I’ve done with the place? Think the pink works? I thought the soft pastels might make a nice contrast to my “mature” content. But the color scheme is the mere tip of the iceberg, as you can surely see. Finally I’ve got a proper archive and comments capabilities just like I’ve wanted since I was a little boy. I’ve even got RSS, whatever the hell that is! Help yourself to as much of it as you want, though!
A whole lot of effort has gone into this transformation, and a whole lot more will go into keeping it interesting. This week’s offering is a brand new Flash cartoon, “Gooey Bag” (scroll down) which will be followed next week by the first of three Boogie Bunneez short stories. After that begins the new format for the Deep Fried comic strip. Rather than self-contained one page strips, I will be bleeding out new, long format stories with a couple installments per week, broken up to make them as self-contained as possible. The first arc will be one that has already been published, the “Scent of a Pancake” story from Deep Fried volume 2, #2. I have always considered that to be the kick off to a new chapter in the lives of Beepo, Roadkill and Squints, and the subsequent arcs will pick up where that story left off. If things go well, this format will continue until I have enough material for a print collection. I look forward to getting as much feedback as possible from you, my starving fans, so don’t be bashful about telling me what you really think. And you’d be helping me out a lot if you could spread the word about my pretty new site, blink blink blink.
The new stands spread-eagled against the wall, waiting to be probed by the latex glove of your approval. Look around, drop a comment, and welcome back!
And now…
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