My camo pants have just arrived in the mail and my coded instructions from Julian Assange have all been decrypted (he hides them in Jimmy Fallon’s monologues). The Revolution is nigh! True to my convictions, this will be a green revolution.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged conservative
Mark Steyn Conservatism’s Ron Perlman Like me, you probably spend your time trawling the Internet for new people to get angry at. As the whole “99% vs 1%” meme has grown, I have begun compiling a list of people who[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
You always think you’ll be able to tell someone “I hate you” one last time, and then… they are gone. Matt Taibbi’s words say what my tears cannot, but at least I can offer you this: [youtube][/youtube]
Matt Taibbi has posted a blog gleefully trumpeting the implosion of the Republican party, as signaled by Wednesday’s (allegedly) final Republican candidates’ debate in Arizona. “Implosion” may be too soft a word, though. Stellar collapse is more like it; the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…