This hot take on Bernie took me a week to complete. What the fuck was I smoking?
Posts Tagged David Brooks
Jordan Peterson’s, the far right’s savior du jour, loses his shit, but why does he have shit to lose in the first place? Find out in my latest hot take! And hey, look who’s the topic of the conversation again? It’s[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Conservatives Lament Not Liquidating the White Race Last week was  blistering  for the Republicans. The withdrawal of Marco Rubio from the race for President means that the contest is now between a man whose face could curdle milk, a bowl of soggy Cheerios…and Him.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ben Shapiro’s Tasteless Post-Mortem on Trayvon Martin I recently listened to an episode of The Ben Shapiro Show, a podcast hosted by the eponymous Shapiro, a right-wing columnist and B-lister in the Republican chattering class. Here’s Ben dropping his conservative balls on the table for all to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Here’s a worthwhile blog entry from the nuclear powered Matt Taibbi, taking on snob apologist David Brooks over the merits of populism. A good read, and it will angry up your blood!