Everyone be talkin’ about me! Read this interview with me on CanvasRebel, and when you are done with that, listen to my beautiful voice on the Argoverse YouTube podchannelcast!
Posts Tagged interview
Could it be that you still don’t “grokk” where I am coming from, “dawg”? Well, here is yet ANOTHER interview with me, conducted by a man named Reverend Fitz (which is an unfortunate name for a man of the cloth[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Wanna see something gross? This is what comes of shaping the minds of the next generation, people! My irreplaceable right index finger got smashed under a table that I was adjusting at RIT a couple of weeks ago, and just[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Looky! Jazma Online has an interview with me. I seem to remember them doing an interview with me back when I began this site in 2000. Am I in a wormhole or something?