For you JoJo lovers!
Posts Tagged Star Trek
Here’s the sketch for the special-edition cover of Kobayashi Maru #1, which will be going to my Death Ray 2020 Kickstarter pledgers. If you didn’t pledge, you will NEVER receive this edition! NEVER! WHO’S LAUGHING NOW, YOU SMELLY APES?!?? (Whoa…[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
You think I have forgotten all my mothballed projects, but you are wrong! I dust those mothballs every day so they stay nice and fresh and can do their job of preserving the projects they have been sprinkled upon. One[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Did you think Kobayashi Maru was finished? It’s just getting started! For the next couple of weeks, enjoy some penciled pages from the first story arc that I will be wrapping up soon. January has been my month to prime[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Alright gang, listen up! I have been ping-ponging for a while between the Kobayashi Maru and Deep Fried strips, but starting next week it’s Deep Fried straight through until I finish the “Costume Drama” story line, about six more installments.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…