The alt-right wants you to reconnect with your European heritage!
Posts Tagged Trump
When not ignoring my own comic strip, I am noticing how some cartoonists remind me of a certain TV show…
Milo, we hardly knew ye! And now we know too much!!
This first week of the Trumpocalypse has been hard, but at least we had the cathartic moment of Trump surrogate and alt-right Nazi Richard Spencer receiving a love tap from an anonymous protester. The moment was all the sweeter since it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Prepare to meet a Jason you have never met before! on Tom Waters’ “Big Words I Know By Heart” vidcast! I talk cartoons, politics, my one-man abusive bromance with Scott Adams… everything that matters to me and therefor you! Just remember:[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Scott Adams thinks That Hillary Clinton has it in for him. He’s more right than he knows. If you are reading this, I am most likely dead, or alive. My body is probably lying across the rails of a train[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
How hard did Trump have to look to find a campaign manager with a coif more buggered than his own?