My subscribers have close encounters!
Posts Tagged Weapon Brown
My subscribers know what’s cooking!
Here’s a peek at next week’s strip. And I know what you are thinking: “Jason really draws nice shopping carts!”
Cartooning should be a crime! If you live in or near Rochester, NY Come see my artwork and become my accomplices! My show (with co-talent Winston Tanner) premiers this Friday at 7 pm in the Creativ Framing gallery at Made[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The fine folks at the 11 O’Clock Comics podcast have given Weapon Brown probably the most glorious thumbs up I have ever received. Listen to the whole thing, but the important chunk, about Yours Truly, begins at 1:03:05.
THE END IS NEAR! The end of Pencilrama, that is. (Also, the end of planet earth. Read Hal lindsey, people! He saw it all coming!!) On March 25th, Deep Fried returns! I will be cutting loose pages of the third[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Thank you for the pebble, Master. 
Hello frequent visitors! It is time to broach that subject that arises in every web content creator’s life: whether or not to create a Patreon account. Starting in March I will begin producing the next installment of Deep Fried: The[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…